Knack Tutoring Case Study

How Fordham University Centralized & Virtualized Their Tutoring Network

Learn how Fordham University drove student success by launching two successful programs to help reach institutional goals, increase student engagement and improve marketable skills of tutors. 

Refocusing on Student Success with Knack

With 16,000 students across five campuses and nine schools, Fordham University wanted to provide amplified academic support that engaged both students and tutors, while also providing meaningful employment opportunities and increased flexibility for courses and hours available. 

Some highlights:

  • 12,000 student tutoring hours logged at the close of the Spring '23 term

  • 99.4% satisfaction rate from tutees

  • 99.7% request response rate at Spring '23 midterms

Read the case study to learn more.

See how Fordham did it

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