Knack Tutoring Case Study
How Kennesaw State University's Coles College of Business Virtualized Peer Tutoring on an Urban Campus
Learn how KSU pivoted existing tutoring during a pandemic to support students of all walks of life while also improving DFWI rates for business school courses.
Refocusing on Student Success with Knack
In Fall 2021, KSU's Coles College of Business launched a limited Knack program to support 11 business school courses. In Fall 2022, they expanded to support all 34 business school courses and saw immense growth in their program's capabilities.
Some highlights:
3,000+ hours of peer tutoring delivered by Spring 2023
- 38% of sessions took place outside of the traditional M-F, 9:00am-5:00pm model
- 67% of tutoring sessions took place virtually
Read the case study to learn more>>