Knack Tutoring Case Study

How the University of New Hampshire Scaled Peer Tutoring to Support All Students in All Courses

Learn how UNH scaled their Knack program to quadruple support and engagement over the course of the 2022-2023 academic year to provide more than 7,000 hours of tutoring.

Streamlining Student Support for All Students

In Fall 2021, the University of New Hampshire launched two separate Knack programs to support 11 high-DFW courses as well as TRIO-program students. In 2022, they combined and expanded their programs to support all students in all courses—creating support for 455 courses in total. 

The Numbers

  • 7,400+ hours of tutoring delivered at end of Spring '23 term
  • 91.9% of sessions were conducted in a 1-on-1 setting
  • 49.2% of sessions took place outside traditional hours (Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00pm)
UNH (2)-1

See how UNH Did It

From The Tutors

“I feel that my confidence has grown in many areas such as public speaking, elaboration, problem-solving on the spot, etc. Having to understand the problem, figure out a solution, and explain concepts often when the session starts has made me a lot quicker/better at these things."

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